Hagi Summer Festival 2024


Enjoy 7,000 fireworks and traditional festival

7,000 fireworks are set off on 1 August, lighting up the summer night sky.
On 2 August, the "Aoharu Festival" will be held at the Hagi Meirin Center parking. There will be events for children and food and drink booths.
On 3 August, a traditional o-funauta or boat chanting procession is held, and portable mikoshi shrines are paraded around the streets.

Hagi Fireworks Display 2024
○Date and time: Thursday, August 1,  8:00pm-9:00pm
*In case of stormy weather, postpone to 2nd (friday)
○ Location: Hagi commercial port, off the coast of Kikugahama

*There will be no shuttle bus service this year.


Aoharu Festival
○Date and time:  Friday, August 2,  4:00pm-9:00pm
○ Location:  Hagi Meirin Center parking


Traditional Festival  (o-funauta, Sumiyoshi Mikoshi)

○Date :  Thursday, August 3
○ Location:  Hamasaki, Hagi city and others

*Traditional Festival  will be held on a smaller scale this year as well.



Basic info

Date August 1st to 3rd, 2024
Hagi Fireworks Display 2024:Thursday, August 1, 8:00pm-9:00pm
Aoharu Festival:Friday, August 2,4:00pm-9:00pm
Traditional Festival:Thursday, August 3
Place Hagi Fireworks Display 2024:Hagi commercial port, off the coast of Kikugahama
Aoharu Festival:Hagi Meirin Center parking
Traditional Festival:Hamasaki, Hagi city and others
Contact info. Hagi chamber of commerce
Phone 0838-25-3333
Website https://hagicci.or.jp/natumaturi/